Once when I went to a restaurant I overheard a lady telling her son not to behave like an animal. To which the boy replied laughing, " What's the harm in being an animal?"The boy might have said it jokingly but his sentence left a lasting impact on me mind. I began to consider what he had said."Are we really worse than animals?"I didn't find a suitable answer to my question and became restless. A couple of days later I came across a headline in the morning newspaper which informed that a major portion of  the Amazon rain forests had been burnt. I was shocked. Weren't those forests home to millions of species. Weren't those poor nestlings waiting for their mother to return with food but were greeted by roaring fire instead.Great you cage animals in zoos because they enter your houses knowing very well that it is because of you that they are homeless now!
Then some time later another incident took place which totally changed my view on animals. I went to a beach which was a popular tourist attraction.What caught my attention was that the people were tossing their wastes all over the place.Within as short duration the whole place was covered with rubbish of all kinds including plastic wrappers and tin cans.Humans weren't the only creatures present there.It was visited by animals and birds alike.But there was a difference between us. A huge one rather. I am not talking about them having more than two legs or them having wings instead of limbs, I am talking about their nature, their habits.I couldn't find a single animal or bird littering their own environment.All they were doing was eating their own food and gazing innocently at us with twinkling eyes.I couldn't help but wonder," Aren't these animals way better than us?"We destroy their houses, we kill them, we make their habitats unclean and then animals are said to be worse than humans! Considering the present day situations, I would prefer to be a selfless animal than a greedy human! And I wouldn't be surprised if that bird over there was telling her young one," Don't you ever be like those humans"

Pin by Micheline Laurent on جوانترينه كان | Baby animals pictures ...


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