20 October,2158
Monday,9:00 pm

Dear Diary,
                   Today I got really tired as my Robot was not functioning properly.I had to take a glass of water for myself and had to comb my hair on my own!Quite tiring isn't it?When I complained to my mother about this, my granny heard it and told me that my great-great-great grandfather used to do all his work on his own,even buying items from the market!Seriously If I would have been alive then, I would have died!Well to be on the plus side people didn't have to wear oxygen masks then or pure water wasn't imported from Antarctica through melted glaciers.Life was tough but enjoyable.Back then clothes were made up cotton or wool,unlike these days when we have to wear itchy and scratchy clothes made up of plastic. Also people didn't eat these disgusting capsules for nutrients,they ate different food of different varieties everyday!Do you know that today our Science teacher told us that long ago I guess thousand years or more I dunno,maybe.Well anyway I was saying that long ago there used to be other kinds of animals on earth as well!From huge,powerful creatures with long noses called elephants to small,meek animals called mice.I really liked this pet,(an animal which people used to keep at their homes)known as dog.He looked really cute and adorable in the pictures.What surprises me the most is that all this destruction in the past years was caused by humans only!I mean how could anyone destroy their own home!Didn't our ancestors think one bit about us?About our future?I wish they weren't so careless.Anyway its 10 pm and I am gonna sleep.Bye,see you soon.


       How To Use Your Fountain Pens More Often: Write In Journals ...


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think that the world would be like this only after one or two century.
      We all have to unite to stop it from happening.



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